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13 medal crazy Disney adventure

13 medal crazy Disney adventure

2017 is hopefully going to be a pretty chilled year in terms of running.  A few races a month and a focus on training to improve speed.  I really want the sub 25 5k and then maybe work on my 10k and half times too.  For people who know me it probably sounds really out […]

Dopey training & some new additions to t

Dopey training & some new additions to the 2016 race list

  21 days to go. So my Dopey training plan remains in the bin.  Everyone else seems to have just finished their last Dopey sim and are ready to start tapering but I’ve decided to skip that (plus I have two races on the 2nd January so tapering isn’t really an option).  I only did […]

Disneyland Paris race packages ARE NOT s...

Disneyland Paris race packages ARE NOT sold out

If like me you’ve been hearing that Disneyland packages are no longer available then fear not, I know that at least one provider has places left because they sent out an email advertising places this morning.  Sports Tours International still have bookable places for all hotels online.  I booked through them and had no issues […]