100 races

I realised today that I had a race missing off my spreadsheet.  Normally this wouldn’t be a big deal but I was on race 99.  The extra race means that the BTR Liverpool Santa dash last week was my 100th race (If your curious, 2011 = 1, 2013 = 5, 2014 = 36 and 2015 = 58 so far).  I started looking through my photos thinking I might do something with race bibs and medals but what stood out is the most amazing people I’ve ran with since the pink onesie beginning.  It’s the people you see before, after or on the way to the finish line that makes the race and I’m so grateful that I’ve gotten to experience it with so many of you.  I don’t want Derek to get his very small violin out but when I’ve had days like the last two where I’m stuck in bed for hours or can’t leave the sofa I think about my next race and it gives me something to keep struggling for and forces me to leave the house and be around people.  I love medals (You might have noticed) but I love racing because it forces me to get out and not give in.   Love my running family x