Tuesday’s marathon was tough. It was too hot, my feet hurt (need new trainers) and was really tired. After the 4th of 8th laps I really starting to feel it but I didn’t have a choice but to push through. Just Giving have started a campaign called #poweredbypeople. I keep seeing it all over facebook […]
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Category: Charity
Running Blind (with my Fairy Godfathers)
There are some amazing people in the world and I’ve met quite a few of them thanks to running. Last year at the Tunnel 10k I got really ill. Running through the tunnel was like running through one of those things that spins around at fun fairs, I had no idea which way was up […]
1000 race miles in 2016 update
By the time I finish Liverpool half on Sunday I’ll have raced 187 miles for MS so far this year. It was meant to be more but I’ve had a couple of bad weeks. I did three races in two days at the end of February (Preston parkrun, Stanley Park 10k and Oulton Park half) […]
1000 race miles in 2016 update – 10% don
So one month down and 104.7 miles. That’s over 10% complete already and I can now say with authority that a 10% the day after a muddy marathon is not any easier than a marathon after 22.4 miles the three days before.The Tour of Merseyside has nothing on either. 🙂 I actually only ran […]
1000 race miles in 2016 update
So, 7 races and almost 70 miles completed already. Races completed: 7 Race miles: 69.2 Non race miles: 11.5 All miles: 80.7 930.8 race miles to go. The list of races entered is getting longer too. So that’s another 492 race miles entered which gives 560.8 in total. Still quite a few more to add […]
992.5 miles to go – Orlando New Year Run
I decided way back that I wanted to run a race on New Year’s Day if possible. When I came across the Orlando New Year Run by Epic Sports Marketing it looked perfect. There were two races, a 5 mile followed by a 2.5 mile race 45 minutes later. Why do one race when you […]
Competition to win free entry into my v...
I’m hosting a virtual race with a difference for MS and you can win free a free entry into it. You and a friend could get you very own lovely sparkly running shoe medals pictured above designed by the lovely people at Running Imp. We just want to know your favourite medal of 2015. […]
More races added to 2016
It gets a bit scary when 2015 ain’t even over yet and already you have already entered 460.2 miles worth of races for 2016. The Race 1k in 2016 plan is coming together, especially now I just got a wait list spot to do Thunder Run 24 hour as a solo runner, exciting but […]