

21 days to go.

So my Dopey training plan remains in the bin.  Everyone else seems to have just finished their last Dopey sim and are ready to start tapering but I’ve decided to skip that (plus I have two races on the 2nd January so tapering isn’t really an option).  I only did 14 miles this week and 10 the week before  so haven’t been running anywhere near the miles I should be.  I did do my fastest time every at Warrington Parkrun last week so I can’t be that unfit.  Hopefully it will be a good week next week so that I can get out and run more.  I did both the tour and Berlin without very many miles of training beforehand and I managed to get through both of them.  I’m just going to get to each start line and see where the race takes me rather than worry (besides if I’m very very slow it just means I get to ride Expedition Everest half way round the marathon.  There’s always a plus side.

Next year’s race list of entered races is still growing.  I’ve changed from the half to the full marathon for Liverpool Rock n Roll half (I’ve read in a few US based groups that Liverpool isn’t a safe place to visit.  It’s one of my favourite places, it’s no more or less of risk than any major city and it’s my favourite places to run and race) and I’ve entered the first Manchester half.  It’s getting closer to the 1,000 miles.

2016 races
