By the time I finish Liverpool half on Sunday I’ll have raced 187 miles for MS so far this year.  It was meant to be more but I’ve had a couple of bad weeks.  I did three races in two days at the end of February (Preston parkrun, Stanley Park 10k and Oulton Park half) but I was too ill to be able to do Groundhog marathon.  I love running on the track and I’d been looking forward to the race for a long long time so I was pretty gutted not to be able to go and run but as much as I tried to fight it (and the husband) I had to admit defeat because when you can’t see, move or talk you can’t go and run 105.5 laps of a running track.  It’s probably the first major race I’ve missed out on because of my illness which just made a bad week even worse.  I was already pretty frustrated because I couldn’t go and meet my friend Suzie’s new baby and I had to give up my trying to go and see Goodnight Mr Tom (had a really great seat too).  I don’t really get depressed (I think I watch too much Disney or something) but last week I came pretty close I think.  Running is the only time that I feel like my old self so it’s pretty tough when I can’t do it.

Missing a race might have been a good thing for me though.  so far this year I’ve raced 165 miles but I’d only done 47 miles of non-race running which isn’t that great. I haven’t found how to get back into training runs after a race yet and I haven’t actually been enjoying training runs.  On Tuesday I was starting to feel well enough to run (I actually walked the dog, made my own lunch and used a fork which is a pretty good day for me) so I decided to go for a run.  I was just going to do a few miles but then I kept adding on and adding on.  I stopped for a shoe selfie at a very pretty spot that I always forget about even though it’s right near my house, went down two roads I’d never travelled before (one of which is a great hilly alternative to playing chicken with the cars on Red Lane) and ended up running 10 miles.   My longest training run this year and I really enjoyed it, especially since it’s still not dark at 6pm now.  I was running along the canal at 5pm just really happy that I could run along next to the canal at 5pm.  Even the thought of having to race 47 miles in a few weeks didn’t scare me (although it does a bit now).



Still to come:


10/03/2016 10k 6.2 DarkRun Medal Run
13/03/2016 Half Marathon 13.1 Liverpool Half
20/03/2016 20 Mile 20 Ashby 20
26/03/2016 Ultra 47 Manchester 2 Liverpool
27/03/2016 5k 3.1 Seaside 5k
05/04/2016 Marathon 26.2 First Contact
10/04/2016 Marathon 26.2 Manchester Marathon
13/04/2016 5 Mile 5 Chester Spring 5
24/04/2016 Marathon 26.2 London Marathon
01/05/2016 5k 3.1 MK Rocket 5k
02/05/2016 Marathon 26.2 Milton Keynes Marathon
15/05/2016 10k 6.2 Blackpool Beach 10k
17/05/2016 5 Mile 5 Walton Park 5
20/05/2016 5k 3.1 Christleton 5k
25/05/2016 5k 3.1 Seaside 5k
28/05/2016 5k 3.1 Liverpool RnR 5k
29/05/2016 Marathon 26.2 Liverpool RnR Marathon
22/06/2016 5k 3.1 Seaside 5k
25/06/2015 Marathon 26.2 Giant’s Head Marathon
02/07/2016 Half Marathon 13.1 Snickerthon
03/07/2016 Half Marathon 13.1 BTR TTOM – Southport Half Marathon
04/07/2016 Multi 6 BTR TTOM – Thurstaston Multi-Terrain
05/07/2016 10 Mile 10 BTR TTOM – Sustrans Cycle Trail
06/07/2016 5k 3.1 Ladies Forest 5k
07/07/2016 5 Mile 5 BTR TTOM – 5 miler
08/07/2016 Cross Country 6 BTR TTOM – Knowsley Cross Country
09/07/2016 12 Miles 12 BTR TTOM – Wirral Coastal Run
20/07/2016 5k 3.1 Seaside 5k
19/07/2016 10k 6.2 Canal 10k
23/07/2014 24 Hr 50 Thunder Run
07/08/2016 Half Marathon 13.1 Dublin RnR Half
14/08/2016 Marathon 26.2 IOM Marathon
20/08/2016 Ultra 42 Run to the castle
24/08/2016 5k 3.1 Seaside 5k
03/09/2016 Ultra 60 Seaside 24
09/09/2016 5 Mile 5 BRT Whistle
10/09/2016 8 Mile 8 BRT Whistle
11/09/2016 Half Marathon 13.1 BRT Whistle – Wirral Half
18/09/2016 Half Marathon 13.1 EHM Half
18/09/2016 Fun Run 1 Livewire Mile
24/09/2016 5k 3.1 Disneyland Paris 5k
25/09/2016 Half Marathon 13.1 Disneyland Paris Half
16/10/2016 Half Marathon 13.1 Manchester Half
23/10/2016 5k 3.1 Seaside 5k
29/10/2016 Marathon 26.2 Snowdonia Marathon
12/11/2016 Marathon 26.2 Numbers Game Double Day 1
13/11/2013 Marathon 26.2 Numbers Game Double Day 2